ICYMI: 2017 Tax Bill Ron Johnson Pushed Through Enabled Family to Get A Tax Break on Private Planes
MADISON, Wis. — A new report revealed Ron Johnson’s family bought a third private plane, which they could be eligible to write off on their taxes thanks to Johnson casting the deciding vote on the 2017 tax bill. In the midst of these lavish purchases, out-of-touch Johnson has complained about “only” doubling his wealth.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Bice: Ron Johnson comes under criticism over purchase of private plane by his adult children
Key Points:
- Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson has come under plenty of criticism for voting for then-President Donald Trump’s 2017 tax plan.
- First, there was the proposal itself, which cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% and narrowly passed the U.S. Senate.
- Then there was the tax break for small businesses and other so-called pass-through entities that Johnson got inserted in the bill, benefiting two of his biggest donors and Johnson himself.
- Now here comes a new one.
- Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes, Johnson’s Democratic opponent, is going after Johnson for a provision in the Trump tax plan that allows those buying private jets to write off the full amount of their new plane’s cost on their tax return.
- This summer, Howard Air LLC, an Oshkosh firm owned by Johnson’s adult children, purchased a Pilatus PC-24, which is valued at $12 million. Johnson’s son Ben and Johnson’s wife Jane are listed as managers of the company in corporate records.
- In addition, Howard Air also bought a Pilatus PC-12 in 2019 — more than a year after the Trump tax plan passed — and an Embraer EMB-505 Phenom 300 a year later.
- Under the Trump tax plan, Johnson’s family members may be eligible to write off the cost of those planes. Howard Air owns a total of three single-pilot, business jets.
- “Ron Johnson has no problem raising taxes on working people after delivering a tax cut for billionaires as long as his family can still afford yet another luxury plane to add to their fleet,” said Maddy McDaniel, spokeswoman for Barnes.
- “Maybe if he stopped complaining about only doubling his wealth while in office, he’d notice how painfully out of touch he is with working Wisconsinites who are begging him to stop attacking Social Security and Medicare.”