What to Know About Ron Johnson Ahead of Tonight’s Senate Debate
MADISON, Wis. — Ahead of tonight’s U.S. Senate Debate, here’s a recap of how Ron Johnson has spent the last twelve years in Washington serving himself and his biggest donors at the expense of working Wisconsinites.
Johnson’s Dangerous Agenda to Ban Abortions is in the Spotlight
- He cosponsored a personhood bill that made no exceptions for abortion, even in the cases of rape and incest, or the life of the woman.
- He has supported eight national abortion bans, including co-sponsoring the national abortion ban Lindsey Graham introduced seven times.
- He has completely dismissed the reality facing Wisconsinites who have long feared what would happen if Roe v. Wade was overturned, saying “I don’t view that [as] such a huge threat to women’s health. I think – I think things would be just fine.”
- He went so far as to say if people don’t like the abortion laws in their state they “can move.”
Johnson Has Been Enriching Himself and His Biggest Donors at the Expense of Wisconsinites
- The Associated Press wrote that “Johnson…pushed for a tax break in 2017 resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars in deductions to megadonors who funded his campaigns,” and The Guardian wrote that “he ‘personally benefited from a change in tax law that he sought.’” A fact check found the majority of the tax break went to the ultra wealthy.
- While Johnson complained about only doubling his multi-million dollar fortune, he was busy using taxpayer dollars to fly between his family’s Florida vacation home and DC.
Johnson’s Views Are Out Of Step With Wisconsinites.
- He wants to put Social Security on the chopping block by allowing Congress to gut the programs’ funding every year.
- He wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act and raise health care costs for Wisconsinites. Johnson previously tried to repeal the provision that protects Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions.
- He downplayed the violence of the January 6 insurrection, saying it was a peaceful protest because people “stayed within the rope lines,” and lied that nobody was armed with a gun.
- Wisconsin Editorial Boards have condemned Johnson as a “Crook,” “Unfit To Represent Wisconsin,” “The Most Irresponsible Representative Of Wisconsin Citizens Since The Infamous Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy,” and called out his “backroom dealing.”