Not Just The “Wrong Speech”: Ron Johnson Has Long Parroted Extreme Claims
MADISON, Wis. — Last night, Ron Johnson delivered a divisive and extreme speech to the Republican National Convention—only to later claim the “wrong speech” had been loaded into the teleprompter. Instead, Johnson claimed to have rewritten his remarks to issue a call for unity.
Ron Johnson has parroted extreme, divisive conspiracies about Democrats—including just yesterday, in an interview with John Solomon just hours ahead of his speech, where he claimed “Democrat governance is destroying this country.”
RON JOHNSON: “But we are unified because we understand that Democrat governance is destroying this country. […] You know, everything the Democrats have done when they were in control has weakened America, which has emboldened our adversaries around the world.” [John Solomon Show, 7/15/24; 00:08:45]
RON JOHNSON: “Yeah, well individuals in the media, they went to colleges that are run by radical leftists, so they’re not journalists anymore. They’re advocates for the left. And that’s what leftists in politics, you know, government officials, people in these agencies, they can rely on the fact that the media will back them up. They’ll never hold them accountable […] The radical leftists infiltrated every institution in this country and we are seeing the results of that infiltration. It’s destroying this country.” [Meg Ellefson Show, WSAU, 6/12/24; 00:16:18]
RON JOHNSON: “What we really ought to be focusing [sic] as Republicans, […] how do we fight and defeat the ideology and the policies of the radical left that are destroying America from within? Before we look all around the world at what enemies we need to destroy, why don’t we first secure our own homeland? Set up a good defense on our homeland, and then why don’t we figure out how to defeat those politically who are destroying our America from within?” [Vicki McKenna Show, WIBA, 5/29/24; 00:08:00]