Ahead of JFC Hearing, Wisconsin Democrats Continue No More Games Campaign
MADISON, Wis. — Today in Madison, Democratic leaders gathered to denounce the ongoing obstruction of key priorities by Republicans on the Legislature’s powerful Joint Finance Committee. For months, Republican politicians have been playing games with Wisconsinites’ health, safety, and futures, withholding funding for priorities like clean water and rural health care—which again went unaddressed in today’s meeting of the Joint Finance Committee.
The press conference speakers included Senate Democratic Leader Dianne Hesselbein, Joint Finance Committee Member Rep. Tip McGuire, state Senate candidate Sarah Keyeski, and state Assembly candidate Alison Page.
Watch one of the seven digital ads launched yesterday here.
“The Joint Finance Committee is at the heart of Republican obstruction and inaction in Madison. For years, Republicans have used their stranglehold on this committee to wield power to the benefit of the ultra-wealthy and big corporations—and at the expense of everyone else.,” said Democratic State Senate Leader Dianne Hesselbein. “Wisconsin needs support now. It’s past time for Republicans to get out of the way and allow this funding to be put to use to keep our communities healthy and strong.”
“As rural hospitals close their doors, Republicans are arguing about who gets to call a meeting. As Wisconsin families are drinking bottled water because they can’t trust the water out of their tap, Republicans are in DC sipping cocktails at political fundraisers,” said Joint Finance Committee Member Rep. Tip McGuire. “As first responders and families fight the opioid crisis, one anonymous Republican politician is throwing up roadblocks to getting help out the door—and they don’t even have the courage to stand up and explain themselves. It’s time for these games to end, and thanks to fair maps, the days of hiding behind gerrymandered lines are numbered. Voters will finally have a chance to make their move.”
“Joint Finance Republicans have a record of obstruction and inaction that stretches back years—long before they opted to withhold PFAS funding last August or health care funding in February,” said Democratic State Senate Candidate Sarah Keyeski. “They’ve used anonymous objections to hold up conservation projects and have blocked—three years in a row—a spending plan to combat the opioid epidemic. They’ve systematically underfunded the Universities of Wisconsin system, leading to layoffs and campus closures across the system, including in Richland County, located in the heart of the 14th Senate District. The good news is that this November, Wisconsin voters will finally have a fair choice when they head to the polls. Republicans like Joan Ballweg won’t be able to hide from their inaction behind gerrymandered lines, and we’ll finally be able to hold them accountable for all the ways they’ve failed the people of Wisconsin.”
“Republicans agreed to funding to support healthcare in Western Wisconsin, but they put unnecessary restrictions on $15 million in crisis funding, limiting the funds to be used only for emergency departments while ignoring the basic, everyday health services that have been ripped away from our communities,” said Democratic State Assembly Candidate Alison Page. “Yes, we need to support emergency services. But we also need to support primary care, behavioral health, substance use disorder treatment, and other preventative care that’s become increasingly hard to find after the recent closures. It is time to hold Republicans and Shannon Zimmerman accountable for their obstruction and political power grabs. The time is now. The date is November 5th.”